Most of the time on holidays you get grumpy posts from me but nosirrebob, not any more! I'm finishing my dossier and this time next year if Baby I is not home at least I will have my court date and be on my way, so I'm happy and thought I would say Happy Easter!
I know, I know this is a first! :-)
Alright Tammi!!
so so so happy to hear that you are on your way and next time this year we ALL can have a easter egg dying party w/the "kids"
I'm rooting for you now!!!! Like they say move that bus...I say lets move that dossier....
Ahhhh, I like to see this hopeful post. Let's get that dossier done, because I want to see Baby I
Love the cartoon! Once again I open your blog and laugh out loud. Thanks for that!
We are finishing up our dossier too! I made a couple eggs for little one this year so that he/she would know we were already holding them in our hearts.
Next year will come. Get that dossier in!
that cartoon was funny!
I smile every time I see that cartoon. Hope you had a great Easter, Tami. Here's to a wonderful, Baby I-centric Easter next year!!
rock on baby! your first and my second at the same time....???
Yay, Tami. Your kids are going to be so cool. Keep working on that dossier! Ali
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